If You Retire to CHEAPEST Country Will That ENHANCE Your Lifestyle?

How we chose Ecuador in a nutshell 2:45 If we move or retire to the CHEAPEST Country will it enhance our lifestyle? It might and it might not. When we first moved to Ecuador about ten years ago, it was one of the cheapest touted countries on the map. But even then that is not the main and first reason why we moved to Ecuador. For an example, moving/retiring to any country just because it's touted as CHEAP or the BEST or PARADISE is not going to sustain contentment in the long run. BEST country, CHEAPEST country it is all very subjective anyway! What's cheap to a Californian may not seem that cheap to a South Carolinian. And even if ALL the boxes are checked off, it STILL doesn't mean that country is suited for you. So, choosing a country based on how much you think you can save on your rent and grocery bill will NOT work! It won't make you happy. We realize now it is all about the lifestyle we now have, want to have and need to have. Ecuador, Mexico, Portugal they might work for you and not for someone else because everyone's lifestyle needs and wants are different. Remember, we want to enhance our lifestyle, not take away from it! Would you like to move abroad and have the expat happiness you deserve? https://tinyurl.com/wpf36s9

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Music: We March Together and Running Out

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