Wellness & Spa With Jackie Roby

Wellness & Spa is a BIG picture to talk about...

What has Portugal has to offer in Natural Spa treatments?

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Another amazing video interview to talk about Wellness & Spa care treatments and the best "Made in Portugal"

Are you already curious to get more info... stay tuned in to know the cool experiences we have to offer you...

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Pedro Mascarenhas (me) bringing you the best “MADE IN PORTUGAL”

Question like:
Where to travel? Why should I travel? What to do in Portugal? Or even What can I see in Portugal? Is it Portugal beautiful?

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#nature #naturelovers #naturetravel #naturetourism #natureholidays #naturevacations #ecotourism #ecotravel #ecoholidays #ecovacations
#sixsenses #sixsensesdourovalley #portugal #visitportugal @pedromascarenhas.oficial @InspiredJourneyConsulting@jackieroby #cantskiphope #visitdouro #winetourism #welness #spa #luxuryresorts #luxury #wellness&sparesort #whattodoinportugal #pedromascarenhas

Youtube video Credits:
Termas - Booking Termal
Radium Hotel - João Campos
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