Welcome to Portugal State of Mind 2020

Welcome to Portugal State of Mind and thanks for stopping by. This site has been created to highlight all the wonders that the country has to offer from the aspect of a visitor who turned admirer turned resident. I launched Portugal State of Mind as a way to share my journey, as well as share the hows and whys for others feeling adrift and looking for a change in their lives.
There will be bumps along the way between your visits to the beach, bar and immigration office (sometimes the bumps will be at the beach, bar and immigration office). Readers are encouraged to share their experiences at all stages of their journey, the good, the bad, the unusual and the mundane.
Grumbling about it never helps but accepting the bumps is part of the adventure.
Many members of our community dream of taking a similar trip and they use Portugal State of Mind to find the courage and resources to make Portugal a reality.
Portugal State of Mind focuses on these simple themes:
• Slow, safe, and local level personal travel
• Connecting to Portuguese cultures through food and service
• Practical advice for planning long-term travels
• Tools and resources for living/working in all regions of Portugal
• Creating a warm, supportive community motivating others to travel to Portugal
Explore, Learn More
Welcome to Portugal State of Mind
visit http://portugalstateofmind.com
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