
Welcome to another series of videos of GO! Walks Portugal. This one is about a very personal interest of mine: conscious traveling and living.

I will speak about this theme as I travel around Portugal, so expect for these videos to be really different from the others I have!

This time I will take you to the beautiful city of Viseu while I speak about the importance of Conscious Tourism for the Historical Centers. As I went there to visit Viseu Vegan Fest, I will talk about the importance of consuming more plant-based products and reveal some awful numbers about Animal Agriculture. The facts that I am sharing in this video with you aren't beliefs: they are based on science and the numbers are real. In a way, this video was difficult for me to do because I usually only speak about the bright side of life... but I feel a responsibility to share these facts with people.

Obviously, if you're watching the video and reading this, and you have no interest in the theme or are against it, then I kindly invite you to turn your attention elsewhere. I don't want to upset anyone. I am just doing what I love the most. And fortunately YouTube is a platform where I have decided not only to be professional, but also to share a little bit more of who I am with you :) that's why I call my subscribers "My YouTube Family".

My interest for sustainability emerged after 4 years guiding tours. Used to seeing so many beautiful places having ecological problems, and knowing how consumerism is affecting not only entire ecosystems but also our lives, I have decided to do more research and found out that the best way I could respect this planet that we live in was by being more cautious when it comes to daily choices like how I travel but also what I choose to use (from gadgets to basic daily items & clothing) and what I eat. Those concerns, together with my search for healthier food options and my extreme passion for animals, convinced me to go vegan.

I dedicate this video to every single person in this planet. If you haven't thought about being more conscious when it comes to living and traveling, I would say... give it a try!

I have mentioned the Animal Save Movement in the video, so I am leaving the links to Coimbra, Aveiro and Viseu Animal Save Associations below:


A special thanks to Regina for borrowing me her phone when mine "died"! The images aren't as perfect as on the other videos, as I didn't have a stabilizer, but at least I could collect some footage of the town!

Alright and that's a wrap! See you soon :)

Sara Cruz

#portugal #vegan #vegantravel
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