North Carolina Online Global Programs: Business Development Tools to Help You Grow

Online business development tools have never been so important for businesses in the ‘New Online Normal’.

Learn from John Loyack, VP of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) what they are doing to help North Carolina companies navigate the ‘New Online Normal’.

Listen to Jonathan Szucs, President at Advanced Superabrasives Inc / Vice Chair of the North Carolina District Export Council discussing the benefits of the NC Online Global programs, for his business in the US, Canada and Mexico.

Grants and funding available.

IBT Online works with the EDPNC to deliver North Carolina Online Global Programs - Website Localization and Online Marketing for North Carolina companies.

Join us as we share expertise and experience in delivering localized websites and online marketing to help you grow your exports, sales, brand and business.

Make the internet work for you globally.

Resources and Links:

Insights and opportunities:
Why North Carolina companies need localized websites and what are they
Be found, be understood, do business in your target markets
Best-practice, optimally localized business development websites
SEO, Social Media Marketing, Reporting and Analytics
Grow traffic, engagement and conversions
Connect with your customers, increase brand awareness
How to help your international distributors and in-market partners
Boost your leads and sales in your target markets
Sell online with ecommerce
Case studies - how North Carolina companies are using online tools today
North Carolina Online Global Programs and grants – how to apply and how they help

► If you need help growing your business, contact IBT Online:
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