Nazaré + Sitio da Nazaré + Praia do Norte aerial view - 4K Ultra HD

The picturesque village of Nazaré got its name from a statue of the Virgin Mary brought to town from Nazareth by a monk in the 4th century.
Today it is Portugal's most famous fishing village, having always drawn visitors to its beach and genuinely colorful life.

Until not too long ago, fishermen were still seen using oxen to pull their brightly painted boats from the ocean and even today many locals still wear their characteristic traditional costumes -- the fishermen have check shirts and trousers, and the women wear several layers of petticoats. The fishing boats are Phoenician in design with bright colors and eyes painted on the vessels, supposedly with the magical power to avert storms.

Church in Sitio High above the town is Sitio, reached by a funicular that climbs 110m (360ft). All of Nazaré can be seen from here.

The Nazare Canyon causes very high breaking waves. This makes Nazare a hotspot for big wave surfing.

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Music: Zero-project
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