History Summarized: Hawai'i

To learn more about the Native Hawaiian community and their culture, visit: https://www.hawaiiancouncil.org/about

This year, to celebrate Indigenous People's Day, we're taking a look at the history of Hawai'i, from its early history in the Polynesian maritime culture to its forming a Kingdom to its annexation by the United States. Beyond simply a special case in the story of American expansion, Hawai'i has a deep history that deserves to be better known.

SOURCES & Further Reading: Great Courses Lecture "Lifeways of Australia and the Pacific" by Craig Benjamin, Britannica Hawai'i, "The Navigators: Pathfinders of the Pacific" By Low & Estus, Lonely Planet Hawai'i History, and lots of discussion with a native Islander (see discord section below).

This video was edited by Sophia Ricciardi AKA "Indigo". https://www.sophiakricci.com/

Our content is intended for teenage audiences and up.

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kguuvvq — Come to the #New-Video-Discussion channel to chat about this video, and ask questions about Hawai'i to my friend Lady Eris#9175, a native Islander!

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