People justify me that I have a better life I travel in different places in Europe but the truth is I dont share the hard thing on social media, I dont want people look how pity I am what Ive been through. So as I can I want to share the beauty of the travel I did. The hardest part of Portugal life is over for me no more sickness no more humidity no more back and forth to Italy for summer and Christmas vacation or etcs...

Hope you also appreciate it lovely enjoy my premiere Thank you so so much...
If you are not Subscribe yet to my channel click the red buttons and bell notification. So lets go lovely friends and enjoy the show. This is not meant to brag or to show up but just my humble daily lives here in Italy. Thank you and mega shout out to my marito mio and @1970sTIGERTIGER ...

I am Ellen I am residing now in Europe many places like Italy, Portugal and now trying to find a work in Netherlands during lock down that was FEb to March but now I am relocating again here in Lecce, Italy. My profession is a Hairdresser and now I ended up being an online chef or food caterer. I entertain clients base online. But I wanna find a work here in Lecce Italy so I can save and go home and see my son El David.

What camera I used?

What application I used for editing?

How old I am?
I'm turning 38 this NOv 5th

How did I ended up in YouTube?
My account was made last 2011 but recently approximately 4 months ago I started became active because of my friend Sherwil the Adventurer. I love to cooked and travels basically that's all about the content I have now. So at the end it became my cooking Diaries. From 2011 all my videos are sucks believed me but nobody cares and noticed but to me its a huge impact because I grow from DIY DO IT YOURSELF. Nobody was there to help me were I reach now, I don't intend to be famous but I just wanted to grow and yes I am growing. Anyway that's all for now I don't want to spoil everything hahaha...pew pew pew....

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