caminhadas em familia - family walks

Rotinas de (des)confinamento.
A sorte de viver no Algarve numa altura em que passamos por uma fase dificil devido à Covid 19 permite-nos, com pouco, ter uma boa qualidade de vida, explorar o que nos rodeia e poder usufruir da natureza.

Lockdown routines
How lucky we are living in the Algarve when we are going through a difficult period in our lives due to Covid 19. Living here allows us, with little, to have a fantastic quality of life, explore our surroundings and enjoy nature.

gear/material - iphone 6, fujifilm xp200, nikon coolpix L830
music - Know myself by Patrick Patrikios

#covidtimes #desconfinamento #caminhadas #familytime #natureza #reservanaturalpraiagrande #praiagrandepera #armacaodepera #algarve #thealgarve #birds #sunset #beautifulskies #dog #shihtzu #visitalgarve #Portugal #quarentena #beach #donkey #pony #birdwatching #seagulls #carlosbar
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