Bike Around Portugal - 37 Stages, 2.600 km, + 33.000 m

Bike Around Portugal is a cycling journey on a carefully chosen and planned route by António and Elsa Gavinho, that will take place between 25 July and 5 September -

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Together with their 13-year-old daughter Joana, they will cycle the 37 stages, with around 2.600 km and + 33.000 m of elevation gain in total, on a mix of secondary roads, dirt roads, and cycle paths.

The main objective of this summer holiday trip for the Gavinho family is to promote and publicize Portugal as a destination of choice for bicycle trips.

For 43 days they will share the best there is to know in Portugal, with special emphasis on the best locations, accommodations, and gastronomy.

The event is also open to all the participants who wish to join the initiative, and they already enticed some friends and acquaintances who will be joining them on some of the stages.

5% of the registrations will be donated to Escola de Ciclismo de Oeiras (Oeiras’ Cycling School), a project that aims to develop cycling with its school for children, and donations will also be encouraged.

This trip promotes sustainable initiatives, like the reduction of the CO2 footprint, the contribution to local commerce on all the meals purchased with preference to products of national origin, and with the use of reusable and environmentally friendly products.

The bicycle brand Focus and Rondo joined this initiative, supplying the 3 bikes used on this trip, and the ONDA sports equipment brand will provide the cycling equipment for this great adventure.

A great part of the itinerary are routes designed by Caminhos da Natureza, Portugal Nature Trails, and the National Cycling Tourism Network.

Several of the hotels and accommodations that will be used for this trip will also sponsor partially or in total the cost for the Gavinho family.

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